Reliable internal pipeline corrosion prediction based on next gen software to assist with wet or dry gas ICDA practices.
Upstream Petroleum Production
Downstream Natural Gas Transportation
Wet Oil (and low BS&W) Transmission Pipelines
Petrochemical Processing
Potable Water Distribution
Amine Gas Sweetening Piping
Refinery Crude Operations
Water Treatment
The software is a fully web based software suite that accurately predicts and evaluates thirty-four different parameters including:
Momentum, heat and mass transfer phenomena
Multi-phase fluid flow behavior and flow regime
Fluid production rates
Water chemistry
Gas composition
Calculates pH in saturated brine at pipeline conditions
Oilfield mineral scale prediction
Assesses impact of methanol for hydrate control
Unmitigated pipeline internal general corrosion rate
Oxygen Induced Corrosion Prediction
We can estimate five common oilfield mineral scale deposits and corrosion
- Characterizes and animates your pipeline fluid flow regime
- Calculates the actual velocity
- Calculates the wetted surface length
We can predicts internal pipeline corrosion in flowing aqueous-bearing systems for:
Wet Natural Gas
Wet Sour Gas
Wet Crude or Wet Stabilized Oil
Wet Gas Condensate
H2O Injection or Disposal Pipeline Systems Move Beyond...
Move beyond momentum and heat transfer alone
Move beyond "critical angles" and liquid hold-up
Move beyond "nominally-wet" natural gas
Move beyond the ORDINARY
Move through and beyond the fluid viscous sub-layer
Move to a fully integrated heat, momentum and mass transfer model
Move to corrosion at the internal PIPE WALL